Taking in the view of Pikes Peak from Palmer Park, Colorado, USA

The Complete Guide to Travelling Whilst Pregnant

Last updated: 15th June 2023

If you're pregnant and considering traveling, you may be wondering what precautions you need to take. This complete guide will tell you everything you need to know about traveling whilst pregnant. Whether you're planning a babymoon or just want to visit family overseas, read on for all the information you need to travel safely and comfortably. After all, there's no reason why being pregnant should stop you from seeing the world!

Can I travel when pregnant?

Traveling when pregnant can be a daunting prospect, but it doesn't have to be. With the right precautions, you can still explore and enjoy new places while keeping your unborn baby safe. The good news is that with careful planning and preparation, traveling whilst pregnant can be relatively stress-free - so don't let worries about safety stop you from having an amazing experience! In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know before booking that flight or taking a trip while expecting. So read on for all the information you need to travel safely and comfortably when pregnant!

Onboard an airplane looking down the aisle

When to fly - the safest time to travel by plane when pregnant is between weeks 14 and 28

Pregnant women face many unknowns, but if you're looking to travel by plane in the near future, there are certain precautions to keep in mind. The safest time for pregnant women to fly is between 14 and 28 weeks of gestation. Women who are more than 28 weeks pregnant should check with the airline for specific restrictions and obtain a medical certificate from their gynecologist attesting to the fact that air travel will not be dangerous for them or their baby. During airline travel, it is recommended that pregnant women stay hydrated, move around every hour or so and avoid exposing themselves to large amounts of radiation where possible. Although flying during pregnancy can be nerve-wracking, keeping these good practices in mind will help ensure a safe journey!

What are the reasons not to travel while pregnant?

Traveling while pregnant can be a tricky situation, as there are health and safety risks associated with being on the move. While it is possible to travel safely when pregnant, it's important for potential travelers to consider the particularities of their situation. Passengers should assess any potential risks associated with their travel plans such as changes in elevation during airplane rides, extended time in areas that pose sanitation or even medical concerns, and potentially having an emergency far from home.

Pregnant travelers should always check with their healthcare provider to make sure everything is safe before beginning their journey. Additionally, if the baby is due shortly after travel plans, this could create a stressful situation for both baby and mother which would be best avoided. Ultimately, pregnancy should not stop someone from traveling but being mindful of potential risks and planning ahead is essential!

A traveler poses in-front of the Eiffel Tower

How to stay comfortable - wear loose clothing, drink lots of water, and take breaks often

Staying comfortable can be a challenge, especially in hot and humid climates. Wearing loose, breathable clothing – preferably natural fabrics like cotton – is incredibly important for regulating temperature, as it allows your skin to breathe. Additionally, keeping hydrated by drinking lots of water will help you feel cool and reduce fatigue significantly throughout the day. Finally, remember to take breaks and move around so your body doesn't become overwhelmed from the heat or from sitting or standing too long in one position. Taking a few minutes to stretch your legs or change positions can make all the difference when it comes to feeling energized and comfortable.

What to pack - bring plenty of snacks, a pillow and blanket for the flight, and your maternity records

When you are packing for a flight, it is essential to make sure that you bring all the necessary items. Choose your snacks wisely and opt for foods that will keep you full and energized during the long journey. Don’t forget to run an extra check before leaving your house and make sure that you have packed your maternity records with you. Having a pillow and a blanket on the flight may seem like an unnecessary extra, but they will make all the difference in terms of comfort, especially for those who are expecting a baby. As an added bonus, bringing your own ensures that no one else has touched them!

Dealing with jet lag - get plenty of rest before your trip, adjust to the new time zone as soon as possible, and avoid alcohol

Preparing for an upcoming trip across time zones can be daunting, especially for pregnant individuals who may be facing even greater obstacles. To combat jet lag and optimize the travel experience, it's important to get plenty of rest before your departure and adjust to the new time zone as soon as possible when you arrive. While alcohol can sometimes seem like the easiest solution to get through a long flight, this should be avoided whenever possible since pregnancy makes dehydration more likely and affects how much sleep you will get. Making small adjustments in advance will help ensure a rested and comfortable trip.

A pregnant lady on the beach

Managing morning sickness - keep crackers or ginger ale at hand for when you start feeling nauseous

Managing morning sickness is no easy task during pregnancy. It may help to keep a delicious snack to hand, such as crackers or non-carbonated ginger ale. Having these items in your kitchen or bag ready and available can be a lifesaver whenever morning sickness hits. The saltiness of crackers and the soothing sensation of ginger ale can work wonders together in calming an upset stomach. A combination of the two has stood the test of time as one of the best ways to manage morning sickness, providing some much-needed relief when expecting moms need it most!

Making sure you're covered - check with your insurance company to see what coverage you have for medical care while abroad

Pregnancy is one of the most important times in a person's life, and when it occurs while traveling abroad, it can become much more complicated. It's essential to be prepared by ensuring you have the right coverage and care while pregnant overseas. Before embarking on your journey, ensure that you check with your insurance provider to see what coverage they offer for medical care abroad.

They may provide you with complete peace of mind if they are willing to cover medical expenses during pregnancy overseas, ensuring you get the best possible care. Don't risk it by leaving your health uninsured - make sure you're covered before traveling, so that if something happens unexpectedly in an unknown country, you don't have to worry about paying skyrocketing medical bills.

In conclusion

Remember, the best time to fly during pregnancy is between weeks 14 and 28. There are a few reasons why you might not want to travel while pregnant, but with some extra preparation, it can be comfortable and even enjoyable! Before your flight, pack loose clothing, plenty of snacks and water, and your maternity records - everything you need to have a smooth journey. Once you're in the air, if you start feeling nauseous due to morning sickness or jet lag, have crackers or ginger ale on hand to settle your stomach.

And finally, before you travel abroad, check with your insurance company regarding coverage for any medical care that you may need while away from home. With a little bit of planning ahead, flying during pregnancy can be hassle-free.

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We can help you compare travel insurance coverage if you're a Canadian resident & covered by a Government Health Insurance Plan in your province or territory of residence for the entire duration of your trip.

You are not travelling against the advice of a physician, been diagnosed with a terminal illness, metastatic cancer, require kidney dialysis or travelling to get medical treatment or advice abroad.

You have not been prescribed or used home oxygen in the last twelve months, undergoing investigative treatment for shortness of breath or chest pain.

You have never had a bone marrow, stem cell or organ transplant and do not require assistance with activities of daily living as a result of a medical condition or state of health.


Emergency medical coverage is the benefit of the policy related solely to those medical expenses, such as the doctor’s visit, hospital stay, prescriptions, ambulances – essentially any item related to your medical event. Items such as baggage loss or trip cancellation would not be covered under this benefit.

Some standard policies may provide limited coverage for COVID-19 based on the Government’s travel advisory levels. There are some policies that offer specific coverage for COVID-19 should the Government have a travel advisory in place to limit travel due to COVID-19. It’s always important to review your policy’s terms and conditions.

Your Government health plan does not provide coverage for medical expenses incurred outside of Canada (some provincial plans provide very limited reimbursement for out-of-province medical bills). Travel insurance provides coverage for unexpected medical emergencies and related expenses incurred outside of Canada (and your home province). Travel insurance needs to be purchased prior to departing your home province.

Tommy Lloyd
Author: Tommy Lloyd, Managing Director

Tommy has over 15 years experience within the insurance industry, having worked with some of the worlds largest insurers. Tommy’s primary focus has been developing the best possible online experience for travellers looking to compare travel insurance rates. Music and travel are two of Tommy's greatest interests, and even better when he can combine the two together!


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